Mrs. Santoshi Devi is 40 year old, hails from Khetalpur Village, Aurai Dist Bhadohi, Uttar Pradesh. Earlier she was uneducated. In her childhood she had a desire to go school for studies, but her parents was not able to send her school, due to poverty. After marriage she moved to her in-laws house at Khetalpur. At this age also she was unable to calculate the money and read the news paper, and unable to do signature.
One day she heeded about Khetalpur Adult women’s Education program, she wanted to learn the Hindi, English alphabets. She took admission in center and started to attend regularly and started learning alphabets. Through the regular teaching she has learned Hindi, English alphabet and now she is able to read and write alphabet. She is very happy and able to calculate the money and learned to do her signature. And she is able to read the news paper. Now she is very happy.
Vishwasi Sangati is a registered, charitable non-profit organisation working for the total welfare of the people in the unreached / remote villages of India.
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