Aims & Objective of Vishwa Sangati

Core values of Vishwasi Sangati for Social, Educational Development projects

To establish, construct, maintain, manage and supervise educational institutions, clinics, hospitals, nursing homes, relief and re-habilitation centers and any other ancillary services carried on by the Society.

To help and succor to the needy and suffering irrespective of race, caste and creed.

To make available to victims of natural calamities such facilities of relief and rehabilitation as may be necessary and, where possible, to co-operate with Government and Voluntary agencies who have similar aims and objectives.

Toprovide, organize, promote, maintain, mange and render charitable and benevolent services to the poor, the sick, the distressed , the destitute, the old, the orphan, the homeless, victims of war, civil disturbance, riots, famine, earthquake, flood, fire, pestilence, epidemic and other natural calamities irrespective of nationality, community, caste, creed, colour, religion and sex.

To do such acts, deeds and things as are or may be deemed necessary, incidentalor conductive to the attainment of all or any of the objects and purposes of the Society.